Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Wednesday April 6, AO year 1, week 16

On Tuesday we had our outdoor playgroup. It was a blizzardy April day, but the kids had such great fun in the swirling snow. Fina never complains that she is tired or cold or that she doesn't want to walk or that she wants to go home. That is a blessing for me. We were outside for about 4 hours.

In the evening, Fina even tried to get a friend to come outside to play with her on such a wintery day, but K didn't want to come out and play. Fina contented herself with doing two episodes of her yoga.

We have continued singing "O Canada" in French. Incredible. Whatever Fina doesn't know off by heart, it is by my laziness. She is a sponge that could learn so much more than what I'm teaching her!

This morning, I read "Farmer Weatherbeard" and "Minnikin" from The Red Fairy Book, as part of our free reads.

We listened to our folksong, the "Ice Worms Nest Again," for the last time. Then we started our new folksong, "I've been working on the railroad." Fina is enjoying it, actually. I'm having a hard time getting myself into folksongs, though we have often sung the Ice Worms one out and about. It is catchy.

Our bean plant is coming along nicely.

We noticed that the primary leaves (the two at the bottom) are dying, now that they have done their job of feeding the plant. Interesting!

These tiny things in the middle are buds / flowers we think.

I read through our Sunday readings. The Gospel is Jesus asking Peter to "feed his sheep."

We went through our memorization box.  Fina finished her Orsino passage "If music be the food of love, play on." Wonderful!

Pretty good for her first day learning the ending!

We read three new poems from When We Were Very Young: "The Invaders," "Before Tea" and "Teddy Bear."  All three were cute poems. We need to pick a new one to memorize. We just haven't "hit" upon one yet.

We continued with our learning to read, learning the letters j and w today. Fina read book 1:7 "Jig and Mag." She does wonderfully!

She wanted to do some reading and narration, so we read from Fifty Famous Stories Retold.  We read the story of "Inchcape Rock." She narrated it so well.  We looked up this painting of the location.

She wanted to continue, so I read the two sections that are scheduled in week 17, "Sir Philip Sidney" and "The Ungrateful Soldier" and she narrated those as well. It was great! Fina tends to have a much easier time connecting with 50 Famous Stories compared to Our Island Story. They are little biographies, which just proves that biography is a great door into history!

Fina did 7B in her math, continuing to add plus 2.

We did Chapter 11 from our catechism book. We also came upon Peter being asked by Jesus to take care of his friends and how Jesus' friends make up the Church. Connections, connections.

We also did question 9 from The Baltimore Catechism.

What a great start to week 16!

We listened to some Schubert as I prepared lunch and Fina coloured and drew a pic of her guardian angel.

I guess her guardian angel could be the archangel Gabriel. A wee bit lofty, but still!

After lunch, we are going out to make a little fire in the park. We will let you know how it goes! Something along the lines of a fairy fire, a small fire for fairies!

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