Friday, 22 April 2016

leading up to April 22

Sorry, dear blog followers. I have been MIA lately. But here I am. Back again!

On Saturday morning (April 16), we just had a lively discussion about Transubstantiation and differences between the concept of Eucharist in the Catholic church and protestant churches. You can not say this discussion happens in every household!

Fina has now decided that she wants to be a nun who teaches music.  She is making recordings of this. Here is she is playing playing the piano very softly!

On Sunday, we had a lovely lunch with some good friends of ours from the city, N R and their littles L and C. It was so wonderful to reconnect. I guess Fina didn't realize that L, aged 5, also homeschools. I told her on the drive home. She was very excited! (I'm so glad we met up with them just in time to think about inviting them to Fina's 7th birthday party in a couple of weeks. They are going to come! Yay!)

On Monday, we took a day off school work to go and enjoy a local provincial park not far from our town with our friends J and J.

Fina with her favourite Canadian replica of La Pietà, at the Grotto in St Malo.

At the beach, with their bare feet, on a chilly day!

Here is our bean plant. Those bean pods are quite large!

Ruler just to show scale

Our Tuesday morning, we all went to vote in our provincial elections.

And our outdoor playgroup was awesome as always.

frog eggs

Larry, the frog (or the frog we found before Larry)

Swimming in the creek overflow flood in someone's yard.

They even found a little island.

On Wednesday, we took the day off to go outside and play. We went for a bike ride. Wet a SLEW of friends at the park throughout the day.  We also had some littles come join us. Our outdoor playgroup is about to undergo a growth spurt.  Fina lost her tiny Rarity in the pond.

Playing in a flooded beach volleyball court (we use this as our sandbox during the summer)

On Thursday morning, I sent Fina upstairs with her first 8 BOB books and she lay on her bed and read them silently to herself. She was so pleased.  So was I.

It was a sunny, yet windy, day. Fina did some artwork in the park.

We also got in a few hours outside with some friends.

On Friday, Fina had a really bad stuffed and runny nose, so she just took it easy, without going outside. She was too tired.

I guess we aren't doing much school this week. It has been a busy week. What with the gorgeous weather and the fact that we are leaving for vacation in a week and a bit. Fina really wants to spend the last moments with her friends. She is going to miss them dearly. And they are going to miss her too, I think!

I would like to try finishing up week 16 next week. We will see about possibly starting up again in earnest in June (or when the mosquitoes are holding us hostage).