Monday, 4 April 2016

April 4, AO year 1, week 15

We reviewed book 1:6 of our Bob Books on Facetime with some of our family members on Sunday.

I like the speed (or lack thereof) with which we are learning to read. Nice and slow. Short lessons every few days. It is going wonderfully!

We started today with listening to the entire Schubert Die Schöne Müllerin cycle.

We made our way through our memorization box. We also reviewed a bunch of poems from When We Were Very Young.

For math, we started the commutative property of plus 2. Fina did 7C.

I read chapter 12 of Paddle to the Sea and Fina narrated it. We followed Paddle's journey on our map of the Great Lakes.

We did our second picture study of the term.  Jacques Louis David's "Oath of the Horatii." Fina looked at it in silence for three minutes and then gave a great verbal narration.

At our last co-op, we looked at Rembrandt's The Oath of the Batavians. How serendipitous. At co-op we spoke about what an oath is etc., and now the very next week, this is our painting. Such wonderful connections are being made!

We did chapter 25 of our catechism, which deals with the Easter season.

We sang our current folksong, "When the Ice Worms Nest again." I think I have said it already, but I need to prepare the next folksong.

I read the entire story of St. Cuthbert from Our Island Saints. We were scheduled to read half of it in week 15, but Fina asked me to continue. It was an interesting story.

I read her one tale from The Red Fairy Book, our current free read: "The Nettle Spinner."

Fina learned the fourth line of Orsino's "If music be the food of love..." passage from the opening of Twelfth Night.

Yesterday, I had sung "O Canada" in French a few times with Fina. Today, she was able to sing most of it in French on her own.  We are going to learn it at co-op, but if Fina already knows it, she can "possibly" help out by singing along.

It is a beautiful, sunny day and Fina got to spend some time of the afternoon outside playing with her friend.

We have completed week 15 and will start week 16 on Wednesday. Tomorrow is Tuesday and we have our regular outdoor playgroup.

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