Wednesday, 2 December 2015

December 2, AO year 1, week 9

We had a wonderful afternoon yesterday with our outdoor play group. The kids were having so much fun and the weather was so mild, that Fina and I ended up being outside for 4.5 hours. Just lovely!

Here she is sledding with some of her friends.

We started our day today with our Advent devotional "stuff." We lit the advent candle, did our devotional, and I read the Bible verse that goes along with our ornament of the day for our Jesse Tree. Fina colours in the ornament as I read it.

We started with some cursive work, our new letter, the letter "r."

We went to story time at the library, it was pyjama day. We can say that is our foreign language for the day, as it is in French.

Fun, though useless, craft with shaving cream. She had so much fun doing the buttons! Olaf snowman on a moonlit, starry night.

After a quick jaunt through town, to the post office and The Artist Pivot, we continued working on the letter r. The letter r is very hard and quite personal, I think.

You can see mom's red "r"s are all different.

Not great, but we will keep working on it. We just had to learn i and e so she could write her name! She was beyond pleased!

We did some poetry. Fina recited a few poems to me and I re-read some of the more recent poems. We read a new poem today, "To Minnie." We are almost finished with A Child's Garden of Verses. Soon, we will be moving on to our next poetry selections from A. A. Milne's Now We are Six and When We Were Very Young.

On to math. We did MUS 23X from the extra activities book as a review of tally marks. She MAINLY gets it. We will move on to the next chapter next time.

We read chapters 15-18 of our current free read, Pinocchio.

It was a bit of a light school day, but we will continue.
Tomorrow we have the second meeting our homeschooling co-op and we are really looking forward to that.


  1. any pictures of the advent wreath??

    1. Shameful, I know. We are still on the hunt for a pink candle... We used to do white candles with purple bows and a pink bow, but last year at Ikea we found lovely purple candles. We have been on the hunt for pink ones ever since. So right now, our poor pathetic wreath only has three purple candles. We will have to come up with a plan B for the pink (and for the christmas white candle too. Now we are out of Ikea white candles!) Gaahhh!!!

      And I wish my wreath was all lovely, made with real live pine boughs like the one at our church...

  2. Maybe one day soon it will be ♡ plus, its more fun to get creative and make it your own :D
