Monday, 30 November 2015

November 30, AO year 1, week 9

Yesterday was the first Sunday of Advent. We have our advent wreath (almost) ready and we lit the first candle. We are also starting our Jesse Tree tomorrow. We have used this Jesse Tree before. She has free little colouring pages with the ornaments that you colour yourself and add to your tree.

We are doing our daily advent devotional by Henri Nouwen, "The Lord is Near." I have had this advent meditation booklet for years.  I love Henri Nouwen. It is a bit above and beyond for Fina, but that is ok too. With the addition of the Jesse tree, starting tomorrow, she will have plenty to chew on.

We are continuing to read our bible every night at the end of supper (while little Miss Takes Her Time finishes eating).

We did our morning prayer this morning and listened through the Seeds of Courage album as well. We also listened to some Brahms.

We sang "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel." And "Praise God from whom all Blessings Flow" together

When I offered her the choice of continuing reading Hudson, or reading the story of St David, Fina answered: "I wanted to read more about Henry Hudson. I thought it was already done!" We read from p 29-43. Poor Henry Hudson suffered a mutiny and nothing further was known about him.  We talked about it as we went, rather than a true narration. And we continued looking at the globe as we read through it. We learned about scurvy, "the grey killer." Quite interesting!

Fina did a few episodes of her yoga, as a break.

Continuing with tally marks in math. 23D, E and F. Done!

Catechism, we did the advent sections, pages 151-156 and 222.

Poetry, Fina recited Fairy Bread very fast while running through the house like a madwoman!!!

We read about St David from Our Island Saints and Fina narrated it to me. It was a good story. I don't know David who this is, from Wales.

We wrote a few cursive words, using j and g, without yet learning a new letter.

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