Wednesday, 18 November 2015

November 18, AO year 1, week 9

We have had a lot of fun lately, and it has been a good break for us.

Our outdoor playgroup was wonderful yesterday. It is so lovely to have a group of moms who want to do this with us. Beyond incredible.

The weather is changing for us. Goodbye plus 0 weather! You have lasted even TOO long for normal this year.

Fina decided to do a few episodes of her yoga after breakfast. That gave mom a chance to catch up on some computer secretarial-type work (I have been helping out some friends with their maple syrup products and catering company.  Check them out at Chez Mémère. Their stuff is really yummy. I have been setting up mailchimp, working on their order forms and other administrative work. It is nice to have a little bit of extra income, while helping out some very nice people.)

Today, we decided to do some math (while listening to Brahms). Thankfully we had stopped at 16 in our Primer Activities book, so this was a great way for us to review sections 16 through 21. That wasn't planned, but it certainly worked out for us!

I read to Fina "The Story of a Warrior Queen" (Boadicea, the Briton Queen from circa 60 CE) from Our Island Story. She narrated it well. We learned about poisoning (which Fina was quite interested in!), Boadicea poisons her daughters and herself rather than allowing themselves to be captured by the Romans.

Next, I read "How the Rhinoceros Got his Skin" from Rudyard Kipling's Just So Stories. For some reason, I decide to skim through the introduction, and we read that he would tell these stories (before ever having written them down) to his daughter Josephine (nicknamed "Effie." One of Fina's aunts calls her Effie) and that he had to say them "Just So" without any changes, or she could correct him. Ring a bell, anyone? She narrated it well. It is a very cute and funny story.

This is how we recite poetry around here, crawling around while dusting the floor!

Fina practiced reciting "The Cow" for me, as tomorrow is our first CM Co-op meeting and the kids will all be reciting something at it. She also recited all her other poems. They we learned the second stanza of "Night and Day/" She now can recite stanzas 1 and 2 of that poem. It is incredible how she can memorize things, and yet keep her other poems straight. We also read a new poem, "The Gardener."

We read chapter 7 of Paddle to the Sea, in which a French-Canadian lumberjack finds Paddle and rescues him from the log just as it is about to go under the saw in the mill. He adds a line to Paddle's engraving and sets him back in the river (deciding not to bring him home to show his young son Henri who would have likely pitched a fit, wanting to keep Paddle for himself. Ring a bell, anyone?)

We also recapped our cursive, writing a few more words with the letter f in them.

Forgive the poor pic quality!

Our white board is working well as a place to keep all our cursive letters. I don't have a fancy border going around the room or anything like that, I just add the new letter to the top of the white board and it is always there for Fina to refer to and look at.

Now Fina is doing/building/making something (?) behind our living room curtains, while listening to Brahms.

Well, our school day went well today. I am still remiss in the feast subjects. I may have to start some kind of morning time, so I can fit in the hymn, folksong, foreign language study and artist study and other things like that.

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