Our homeschool co-op ended up getting postponed (one of the siblings in our group has croup!!!) so we decided to go with dad to Kids College at his work. It is a fun moms and tots type of play time in the school gym. Fina has been asking to go to it, expressing her concern that now, because she is homeschooling, she never gets to do fun stuff like that anymore! Right. So, we went.
We watched the video for chapter 24 before leaving the house, making 10s (you know, 9+1, 8+2, 7+3, 6+4, 5+5 all equal 10). Once we got to the university, we sat and did a bit of math (24A-C) before the play time started.
I am having a hard time right now with her not holding her writing utensil properly. Even with her Lamy ABC fountain pen, that has the grips built right in, she is doing acrobatics to get her third finger into strange places. I'm not quite sure what to do about that. It is causing so much frustration that during this math time, I took the pen and filled in the answers for her. I read somewhere online about using stubby pencils (or taking a pencil and cutting it into three and sharpening the tiny pieces). I might have to try that. I don't want it to be an issue of contention, but now I feel like she is doing it on purpose!
We had a nice day at the university. Went for lunch with dad and his (and our) professor friends.After lunch, we went for a short hike on campus. There is a lovely forest-y area towards the (nearly-frozen) river there. We had never walked there before. We came back in and Fina played some Rush Hour Jr. I read a few chapters of our free-read, Pinocchio, to her. Then it was time to go.
We had an eventful drive home from school, however. We were rear-ended (by a student, no less) as we came to a stop at the stop sign before turning on to the highway. Fina was drinking from her water bottle, so her lip was bleeding. And she was crying from the scare. I felt it in my neck and shoulders right away. Dad seemed ok. The car is fine (just the back bumper took the hit) but we are filing a claim. Time to replace the car seat. Say a prayer that injuries don't pop up in the next few days. And a prayer of thanksgiving that it wasn't more serious of a crash.
I was worried Fina would be more traumatized, but she was so good once we got home. Busying herself with making a wardrobe out of cardboard and lots of tape for her 18" doll's clothes (and keeping quiet and out of the way as dad was on the phone with the insurance). This is how we do stuff around here.
I am thankful we are all ok, the other driver too. It reminds us how important seat belts and car seats are. And how things can change in just a minute. We are very grateful to be alive and well right now!
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