Monday, 10 April 2017

Year 1, week 34, day 2, April 10

Fina started her morning with some yoga. (She needs the movement. She did not go out to play at all yesterday and, obviously, she feels it!)

I read Genesis 5, Adam's descendants to Noah.
Fina did 18C and D of her math, continuing to work on subtraction.
We reviewed her recitations.
I read "The Lion's Share" and "The North Wind and the Sun" from Aesop's Fables for narration.
We reviewed our nursery rhymes in Pio Peep and then I read through Oso Pardo (Brown Bear).  Fina repeated some of the words after me. We will go through it, one page at a time over the next few weeks.

Fina worked on her cursive. The slate seems to be working well.

We read our next poem, #189 "Robin Redbreast."
Fina read Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear? aloud to me.

We sang our hymn and folksong.
And Fina worked on her dry brush painting.

Her butterfly net, with some very detailed tiny butterflies. The blue blob is a piece of the sky.

While she painted, we listened to a few chapters of The King of the Golden City on Librivox.

She went out to play and chase butterflies after lunch for a bit.

We've got a busy week at church this week, it being Holy Week and all! But we are looking forward to the wonderful celebrations!


  1. It's funny, most of my students have trouble writing on the chalkboard, they say holding he chalk is odd, although, I'm thinking some of the problem is that they're not comfortable writing vertically, because Fina seems to be doing well, writing with chalk...

    1. Writing on a vertical surface is certainly different (and so good for kids to do. It uses different muscles!)
      Writing with chalk horizontally is also good, because you really feel the drag of the chalk on the chalkboard! (Initially, we were doing it so she wouldn't feel that it was permanent, but easy to erase and correct. Although we weren't writing in a fancy notebook or anything yet, just on single sheets of paper. But still, she had this perfection thing going).
