The last few weeks have been busy for us, in a wonderfully marvellous way.
Here are some pics from the Easter Triduum at our parish.
On Holy Thursday, we presented these oils to the parish (that we had received at the Cathedral on Monday)
Good Friday
At the Easter Vigil on Saturday it was pouring rain and we couldn't go outside for the blessing of the fire. So they FaceTimed it in to the projector in the church. We watched while a handful of people were outside with our pastor.
We had two adult baptisms which were incredible. One is the mom of Fina's little friend E and it was just a blessing to be a part of that!
We had a nice Easter Sunday lunch with our MB family/friends!
I'm glad we took time "off" from school to focus on celebrating the Triduum and Easter.
We have been doing lots of free reads, drawing, playing, outside play, piano practice, Bible readings and devotions over the last few weeks.
Easter Sunday. It all melted a few hours later!
Fina drew these instructions for nonna (so that she can keep her fish alive while nonno is visiting us!)
Nature study at the creek with her NEW watercolour set.
Fina and her friends made this island in the sand. They collected all that grass and stuck it on!
We started preparing for Fina's first eucharist. We are missing the first class, so we covered chapters 1 and 2 at home.
On Friday April 21 it was plus 17 celsius, sunny, not at all windy. The kids played in and around the creek, as if it were summer.
And this is Saturday April 22, 0 degrees, feels like -4 celsius. Fina was quite pleased and went outside to play for a bit!
She made a BB8 snowman - she had to use all of the snow in our courtyard, basically!
Welcome to Manitoba, everyone!
We spent the entire weekend at dad's university for their convocation events. Though Fina and I are both sick, we managed pretty well. How do you like this fancy hat Fina tried on at the grad banquet?
And check out this weather warning (Monday April 24)!!!
So, Fina spent a few hours playing outside in the uncommonly sticky snow!
We are going on a further bit of a hiatus. Fina is having her tonsils and adenoids out on May 4th. This week, my dad, sister and baby niece are coming to visit (to provide distraction during the recovery time!), Fina's homeschooling dad is going away for a conference and a visit with our families. Before we know it, it will be the middle of May!
So stay tuned for some of our adventures in the next little while, and, please say a little prayer for Fina (and for me)!
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