Wednesday, 24 February 2016

February 24, AO year 1, week 13

As always, we had a lovely day at our outdoor playgroup. It is so nice to have friends and friends who like to play outside. Just wonderful. We also finally went skating at our outdoor rink after supper. It was our first time this season and Fina was great. She just gets right on there and goes. It is incredible to me. We also got to see a lovely and large moon, on a clear, starry night. We had a great outdoor day!
Here she is with her friends playing on the creek bank.

In a local homeschooling Facebook group, a mom asked us to name a few things we are thankful for in regards to homeschooling. Well, this morning, Fina didn't have to rush to get dressed and eat breakfast. Instead, she was able to stare out the window with mom at the beautiful hoar frost on the trees, play with Lego for a long while, do some of an "I Spy" book, continue to prepare for a party she is hosting for a Pony's birthday, all sorts of imaginative play with mom (many pretend phone calls) and just play on her own using her own imagination. By now, her friends have been at school (and riding a bus to get there) for a long while already.  I am thankful! (I recognize that lots of moms do this with their kids before and after school. I am thankful that I don't have to stress myself out to try to squeeze these things around school time!)

Today we started our day by listening to some Schubert.

We did our Lenten devotional and our catechism session 8.

We sang the Holy together.

We did a timed math of 20 minutes, to see how much she could complete. She did 2E and 2F quickly (and correctly!) because she really wanted to start section 3. I guess the timing works in a way. She had time to also do 3A, 3B and parts of 3C and 3D.

We started our new folksong, "When the Ice Worm Nests Again." Funny and cute. We listened to a couple of versions.

We continued to the next passage in our "learn to recite Shakespeare" book. It is from Twelfth Night, I, v, 266-280. She mostly learned the first two lines. We reviewed one passage from each section of our memorization box. She also memorized Psalm 119:105. So far, she has two short psalm verses that she has memorized.  We read the next poem from When We Were Very Young, "Daffodowndilly."  It is a cute poem and she wants to memorize it next time.

We read "Bruce and the Spider" from Fifty Famous Stories Retold.  She narrated it well.

Fina asked, "are we still doing exams? I thought it was a whole term of exams." I'm glad she could say that without concern. So I explained that we do a term of 12 weeks and then one exam week and then another term of 12 weeks etc. She was happy with that.

We picked up our cursive again.  We fixed Fina's letter r, to make it look better. We noticed we were having trouble when she went to write "br" for "brat." If your r isn't correct on its own, it will not work after a b.

Br is ridiculously difficult to write, even for mom. We will continue practicing it.

We read a bunch of our current free read, Charlotte's Web. We have only two chapters left to read.
Fina also wanted to go out and skate again. She skated for well over an hour.
Dad came out after work and he was shovelling some of the rest of the snow-covered rink. Fina skated the word OPEN into the snow. Fun!


  1. Dad looks like he's using a really small shovel

  2. Dollarama special from a few years ago. Good for Fina to play with. (And he keeps one as an emergency one in his car. And we live in a condo, so we don't need a real shovel anyway!)
