Wednesday, 17 February 2016

February 17, AO year 1, week 13

We started reading our new free read, Charlotte's Web. We have read 3 chapters so far and Fina is liking it. Funnily enough, I have never read it. Dad read it when he was very young.

I read in a FB group about keeping a book of books. So dad gave us a nice Moleskine notebook. He had only used a few pages from it, so he pulled those out. The idea is to keep track of all the chapter books you read (starting with picture books would be too many for a little book like ours, but you could!)

I started with writing her 2015 books. As we finish reading a book in 2016, I will record it.

Fina has been very sick for the last few days, so term 2 will have a bit of a delayed / slower start.

As she was doing this and that this morning, I turned on our Schubert music (from my Spotify playlist). The first piece is Schubert's Trout Quintet. As soon as she heard it, she said "This is nice, mamma. It is pretty!" Yay! (I had to update my last post to include my new spotify playlist. Don't ask!)

We worked through our memory box system, doing one recitation from each section. She finished learning "Brownie" from When We Were Very Young.  And we read the next poem, "Nursery Chairs."

We started our next book in Math, Alpha. We watched the video for lesson 1, place values.  We did 1A-C as well as 2X from the extra book. This is all a review, but it was great.

That is it for today. As I said, a slow start!

Bonus: Fina thought she'd like to make a small decimal street for her pony's math class, to hang on the wall. How cute is this?

Decimal Street

Her tiny math pages on the bottom right

See Decimal Street up on the wall?


  1. That's so cute!! Only my niece comes up with these intelligent adorable ideas!!!
