Thursday, 22 October 2015

Some random thoughts, my philosophical side (not really!)

Before we start school today, I wanted to share some random thoughts.

We use predominantly ebooks (for convenience, for portability, for price!). Sometimes, though, I think she is missing some connections by reading a chapter a week from some random book. For example, she is really enjoying Fifty Famous Stories, but I don't think she gets that each of the episodes we have read is from that book. The tangible book would allow her to make connections with other chapters in that same book. I often will preface my reading with "this story is from _____ book. Remember the other stories we read in there, like _____ and _____." I'm not about to change to print books right now, but I completely understand the arguments for and against ebooks.

We are starting to get into the groove of homeschooling. I am still unable to properly include the feast subjects at this time, but I know it will come. I am glad she like recitation of poetry, so we do do a lot of that. And we have tried to do some artist study (though not as thoroughly as I'd like). We do listen to our composer. But we haven't done much in the way of hymns, folksongs (yes, I have a couple of music degrees. I'm not sure why I am resisting!). Our handicrafts aren't scheduled, though they do happen. I really want to do more routine foreign language work (yes, I am fluent in two other languages. Again, it shouldn't be that hard for me to do).  And we still haven't delved in to nature study with actually drawing / painting (though I'm hoping our soon-to-start CM co-op will help me with some of these.)  I don't know. I feel like she is still little and I want to give her as much free time as I can. We are continuing to work on diligence and my hope is that once the work goes more quickly and smoothly, we will have more time left over for these feast subjects.  I'm trying to be patient with myself. It is just easier to do things that are really scheduled (by AO) like this chapter, and that chapter, and math and cursive. I end up privileging those things when I have a time crunch. If I had 10 kids, or even 2, I would have to be way more organized! I really admire moms who homeschool (or parent for that matter) large families.

On the flip side, I am very happy with how things are going. Fina is enjoying herself. She is learning a lot. We are coming into contact with a great many things. And she is really quite interested and invested in what is going on. I am very thankful. I just know things could be a lot worse!

I am also grateful to have a supportive husband, both supportive in terms of the schooling and in terms of going to regular work so that Fina and I are able to live this life. I know not everyone has this opportunity, so I really appreciate him for that. (Goodness knows, Fina and I are not always easy to live with!)

And I am grateful for good friends who "get me" and are on this homeschooling journey with me, especially L. And N. And E. And all of them! Last week, I set up a facebook group for a few of us (I actually know all of us in person, one of my friends lives in Wpg so the other local moms don't know her personally) to share thoughts, ideas, encouragement etc regarding homeschooling. It is nice to have a place you can go to, at any time of the day or night, to share with others. I would never call any of them up on the phone (those days are pretty much gone for me), but facebook gives me instant replies (at their convenience, which is usually pretty instantly!). So that is just a wonderful thing.

I am also so thankful for my non-homeschooling friends.
J, if you are reading this, you are an inspiration to me in many ways. And Fina and I really enjoy our little adventures. Today we are going to a farmer's field not far from here to pick free pumpkins. Like a trip to the pumpkin patch without the price tag.  Who else would we do that with!?!?  Exciting!

And to L., a young mom who is juggling kindergarten for her oldest, day care for her toddler, and full time schooling for herself. Another inspiring person for sure.

I have written various times about the outdoor play group we started 3 weeks ago. It is going very well so far. It is just a blessing to have like-minded moms who have really cool kids. Fina loves her friends. She really does. We are happy to play with some kids that we know but with whom we have never really spent time.

We are so blessed to have friends like this. I'm not sure we'd have so many people who care about us if we were in a big city. We have such a close-knit little group here. It is incredible, beyond words.

And I am grateful for you, my faithful blog readers. This is mostly a journalling and record-keeping tool for me at this time, but it warms my heart to know that I have people who care to read about what we are doing.

I got a nice note from my dear friend N who noticed that I didn't post my blog entry til much later in the evening (I usually post as soon as we are done, by early afternoon for sure), saying that she had been checking for it and waiting for it. It is so nice to actually have people caring about what I am doing. Love you, my dear friend.

Time to get started with my day. I will start another entry for our school day.


  1. The most wonderful thing about technology is that communicating and staying close is just a couple taps or clicks away♡ its so nice to know that you and F and the Professor have such great friends out there.. your family (nonna in particular) is always praying that you are not lonely being so far away♡ love you
