Friday, 23 October 2015

October 23, AO year 1, week 6

Morning prayer, some listening to our Italian kids' choir songs during breakfast and morning play time. (Read, while mom tackles these pumpkins!) And we listened to some Brahms.

Fina recited all her poetry and we read a new poem "Block City." We are still in search of one that is recitable.

We started lesson 17 of her math. Skip counting by 2s, up to 20. As soon as we started the video portion of the lesson, she had me stop it, saying that she knows how to do this. And she proceeded to count "2, 4, 6, 8, 10." I was kind of floored. She says we learned it when we started our homeschooling, but I myself don't remember that!  At any rate, she  now knows almost the whole thing. Sometimes she gets mixed up between 14, 16 and 18. They have a cute song you can learn "two four / six eight  / ten twelve / fourteen / sixteen / eighteen / twen-ty!..."  She did really well with this. We will continue with skip counting (prepares us for multiplication!)

For her cursive work, she learned the letter l. It needs a bit more work, but she is doing well.

We were elbow deep in pumpkin here today (muffins, gnocchi overnight oats, soup, etc!) after our pumpkin patch run yesterday, so we have yet to read a chapter from the Burgess Bird Book. We will try to do that this weekend.

We reviewed some other things as well, and read some library books. It was a good end to our week.
Now we are heading out to splash in the rain!

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