Tuesday, 7 February 2017

AO year 1, week 26, February 6

We finished up Racketty-Packetty House this weekend. It is a very sweet story. I had never heard of it, but we both enjoyed it immensely. I would highly recommend it.

I've added a couple more things to my reading list.  Gene Stratton-Porter's The Girl of the Limberlost which I have heard mentioned many times.  And Susan Wise Bauer's The Well-Educated Mind. I heard her speak on an episode of the Read-Aloud Revival podcast. In it, she gives lists of good things for adults / parents to read. I borrowed it from the library, so I will just give it a quick read before returning it.


Today, we started with some bible readings. We read John 2:1-11, the wedding at Cana, and Fina gave a great narration of it.

We did 15 minutes of math. She finished up 13F and did the test for 13. She even had a few minutes left over to start the extra page from the activity book for lesson 13.

Fina reviewed her recitation. She pretty much finished up "My father had a daughter loved a man" from Twelfth Night.

We started a new history book, Viking Tales. We read the first chapter, "The Baby" and Fina gave a great narration. She really wanted to keep reading. She was so excited! (But we didn't! I held on!)

We read the first half of the story of St Benedict from In God's Garden. She narrated it. We will continue next time.

She learned the cursive upper case U.

We read chapter 12 from The Burgess Bird Book, about the cowbird and the oriole. She was more engaged with this chapter. We enjoyed looking at photos of these birds and watching a video and hearing their song.

We did chapter 7 of our catechism. We sang our hymn and folksong.
Fina read the rest of the Frog and Toad Alone story aloud to me. She is doing a great job!

We looked at our same picture study from last week and she did this drawing.

I re-read the last poem we did, "My Mother," from The Oxford Book of Children's Verse and I read the next two poems aloud. 106 "Meddlesome Matty" and 107 "The Pin."

Fina spent 10 minutes crocheting.  Look at these nice, even chains!

In the afternoon, Fina got in a short ski in all our new powdery snow. She skied right from home to the ski trail (which wasn't groomed since the snow, but the tracks were still usable).


Today, we sort of started our new schedule. Using the scheduling cards as suggested by the ladies at "A Delectable Education" podcast.  It worked well. Here is a pic of our schedule at the moment.  It did help us keep our day moving. Here is my slightly tweaked schedule. We will see how this works.

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