Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Year 1, term 2 exams part 2, January 25

We had a great time at outdoor playgroup yesterday. We were a very small group and Fina was able to ski for a bit with her friends. They also played in the mushy thaw of the frozen creek.

Look at this picture she drew from a YouTube video at artforkidshub. Subject matter aside (she loves MLP!), isn't it lovely?

19 Test for lesson 12 of Math
She did wonderfully. She knows her plus 9, plus 8 and all the doubles very well.

21 parable
She recited the Parable of the Mustard Seed.

17 Who was our painter this term? Describe as well as you can your favourite 
picture from this term's picture study.  Or you can sketch it.

Jacques-Louis David. The painting was “The Coronation of Napoleon and his wife, Josephine.” Josephine was wearing that royal robe, with the special lines on it that Queen’s. And he painted himself into the picture (Jacques-Louis David). There’s kids holding up her dress, pretty girls.  [Mom had to pull her along a bit] A guy on the right, it’s hard to describe. There was a big theatre of these people there. A priest and a Bishop and Pope and, oh please, who knows what else. There were very many holy people. And a guy carrying a cross. Napoleon was going to crown himself, but he didn’t. And then Josephine was kneeling down. The Pope doesn’t seem very happy because he’s crowning his wife.

10 Tell about Laura Secord (Canadian biography)

Laura Secord saved Canada by going to someone’s house (what was his name, someone important, special) the General. She came in and told him. Because when all the soldiers from the other side had came to their house, she had heard, from outside, what they were saying. That they were going to do that so. They decided that they were going to. Because her husband was too weak to go, she said she’d go to the aunt whatever’s house, to see if the could go, but no, they couldn’t. So the daughter went with her. And then they went, but the daughter got too tired. And then she meets these Indians at the house, and she’s scared. She goes inside and tells them. 

5 Tell a fable.

“Dogs and Hides”
There’s a dog and they were looking down from the river and they saw hides, that the guy, the shoemaker, who put out the cow hides and put them in the deep end because he knew no one could get them there. And then, they thought “wow, we should eat these hides and make a fine meal out of them.” So, they decided to try, but the water was too deep. So, they decided they were going to drink the water. They got so full that they died. They couldn’t move anymore. And then it spilled all over their mouth.

7 Tell about Inchcape rock.

Sailors kept bumping into the rocks, so that the Abbot. He saw them crashing on to the shore. So he went out on a little boat and put the bell on. And when he did that, then he went back. The bell would ring when there was waves coming. So they would know that the rocks were coming. And then a pirate ship came and then they took away the bell but then they went back. And they went again and then, he bumped into the rock and the shipped cracked. They said “The kind abbot knew about stuff, so he put this rock here on purpose. Now we’re going to die anyways, so.”

6 Tell the story of Grace Darling. - changed to Arthur and the Round Table.

Arthur was there at a big feast. All the poor people went to the very bottom and everyone went at the top, the important people. Then people were fussing over the table, then Merlin said “why don’t you make a big round table, with no ends, so that even the poor people sit at that table.” [tangent. It is useless for mom to try to tease things out. I really shouldn’t anyway. And my efforts are getting her to say it was his knights and ruling the land fairly etc got me nowhere. It serves me right!]

11 Find Lake Michigan on a map. (Fina also wanted to find Italy and Lake Superior)

9 Tell about Picciola or Antonio Canova.

There was a guy who is in jail, but he wasn’t supposed to be in jail. It was a mistake. He was mistaken for someone else. He finds a plant. One of the guards saw it and almost stepped on it and “no, don’t do that.” And the guard says “I wasn’t going to step on that little flower.” There was so much rain and storm and he didn’t want it to die. So then he wanted to move the rocks, but he couldn’t, because only the King could do that. The queen let him go, because “if he was caring so much for a little flower, let’s let him go.” Then he went with Picciola every where that he went.

1 Tell one story about David, from the Bible.

I don’t remember anything about David. David was the youngest son and he was supposed to be anointed by God, but then all the stronger ones, so terrible and whatever, but Jesse said, “No, I have one more son. But he must not be the one. He’s the shepherd.” Then God said to whoever was going to anoint him “this is the one. Even though those other guys look very good, but they’re not a good ruler on the inside. He is. He might not be nice on the outside, but he is in the inside. 

14 Tell me what you remember about the woodpeckers from The Burgess Bird 

This is like pulling teeth. She does not connect with the Burgess Bird Book. Which is so strange!
There was Downy the woodpecker and then the other guy is as fast as him, but doesn’t drum as fast as him. [She proceeded to imitate the drumming of the woodpecker, for like a minute!] They really drum hard and they peck peck peck peck peck peck. Sometimes they eat other birds’ eggs. Were there babies in them? Why? That’s not very nice!

16 Who was our composer this term? Describe one of his compositions.

Schubert. Wasn’t it Franz Schubert? The trout Quintet and Unfinished Symphony. [She hummed the tune of something (I think it was the first movement of the Unfinished Symphony, but I can’t be sure!  We have a lot of work to do with composer study. She doesn’t have the vocabulary to describe anything.)

24 Sing your favorite hymn from this term

She sang “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty”

18 Father or friend should select a passage for student to read aloud.

I had her read a few pages from “Little Tuppens” from the Treadwell Primer.
She did well.

4 Write all the lower case and upper case letters

8 Tell about Gregory and the pretty children.
I forgot this question, somehow.

25 make French toast (on the last day as our treat!)

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