Tuesday, 27 September 2016

September 27, AO year 1, week 17

Fina listened to some Schubert over breakfast.

She read aloud some of "The Little Hen" in the Reading Primer by Harriette Taylor Treadwell, which is available online for free here.  There are a few books of different levels. So far, it is very good.

I read chapter 8 of The Little House in the Big Woods. We YouTubed "Arkansas Traveller" that Pa plays on his fiddle in that chapter. (Some of you may know it as Raffi's "A Peanut Butter Sandwich Made with Jam.")

Fina did 8B and C of her math, solving for the unknown.

We sang our hymn.  We did session 1 of our new grade 2 catechism book.
Fina recited her two current Shakespeare pieces.
I read our next poem from Now We Are Six, "The Old Sailor."

Fina continued working on her letters p and o in cursive. We really want to get them done properly before moving on to the letter u.

We read the next story from Parables from Nature, titled "Training and Restraining." It is a cute story about the wind convincing the flowers that they don't need the garden to interfere so much with them. Fina gave great narrations throughout. She often has had trouble connecting with this book, but not today.

I do feel that, in general, her narrations are getting better. Trust the process, it does work!

This afternoon, we had our outdoor playgroup. We had a large group and the kids had fun. It was a grey, windy and very chilly afternoon. The sun is supposed to come out for the rest of the week and that should help to make it a bit better. We had to pile on extra sweaters, jackets, gloves etc. Not the best!

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