We have had many more beach days, including on July 19, my last post. It was so hot that day at our outdoor playgroup, that the kids were listless (which NEVER happens). A bunch of families only stayed for a bit and then left. We were left with our good friend L and her kids L, and S. So we decided to make our own beach day. So off we went to St Malo beach for the afternoon and evening.
Look at that sky! We had a huge storm the next day. A HUGE storm!
Fina built many Lego items, free style.
This was at our local Lego store's 1 year anniversary celebration.
And this, the pièce de résistance! She built this and then dad helped her (or she helped him, I guess) enter it into the program Lego Digital Designer and now we have an instruction booklet as a .pdf for how to build her set, the "Star Wars Helicopter Pilot."
It took them hours to enter each piece into the software, but they had so much fun!
She also made a little BB8.
We have had a great many, very fun, beach days.
She even found a four-leaf clover!
On an inpromptu meet up at the park, one of our friends found a little baby bird who had fallen out of its nest. So the whole lot of us rallied around to get it back up in its nest.
We went fishing with our good friends L, K and C. It was our first time fishing. I caught a perch. Fina hooked her own worm, and wanted to keep hooking everybody else's worm too!
We got our homeschooling number, after we notified the government of our intention to homeschool Fina. We have signed up MB education library and we also have access to teacher discounts at certain stores as well as special pricing for things like the zoo!!!
We did manage to squeeze in chapters 19 and 21 of our catechism book.
Playing under a bridge in our creek.
Carrots from K's garden.
Climbing on
anything she can!
We have been so blessed with the lack of mosquitoes these last few weeks. We have been spending as much time outdoors as possible and having a great time!
Next week, we are going to go tent camping for two nights with our friends E, J, S and E. It is going to be such fun!
Thanks for reading. I hope you too are enjoying your summer!
That's wonderful that there have been no mosquitos...I can see you are really having a great summer!! Fina is learning a lot even if she isn't in school right now and reading alone is terrific to be doing during her summer break. It's also great that you get teacher discounts even at the zoo!!!