We have had a great many beach days.
We went to our local Provincial Park to scope out campsites for our trip with friends.
Disgustingly sweet cherry dipped (over a lovely ice cream) cone
Lots of outside playtime with friends!
We have continued to have unstable weather which has continued to provide us with some lovely views.
On this rainbow day, August 15, while playing with her little friend K, Fina hit her 1000 hours outside. We started counting, for the second year, on November 1 2015. (By August of 2015, we had only hit 862 hours outside. The lack of mosquitoes this year has definitely helped the summer hours!) With 2.5 months to go, we've got many more hours yet. Last year, by October 31 (our year-end, she was at 1084). I think it is such a great challenge. It certainly motivates me to get her outside more and more. (I wrote more about this 1000 hour challenge in my September 24 2015 post, if you'd like to read more about it!)
There has been A LOT of chalking this summer
The other big news is that Fina and I went camping with our friend E, and her three kiddies J, S and E. It was our first time camping, and in a tent, no less! We had a marvellous time which we will never forget. Fina certainly got the camping bug. She wants to go back. Here is just a peak into our three day adventure.
Fina and I were in the little blue tent, so fun!
Here she is in it.
Swimming at dusk. Wonderful!
Fina's first s'more. She LOVED it. It was NOT her last, even of the evening.
Picking chokecherries
And eating them.
We had such a lovely time and we are hoping to camp again in the early fall. It was an incredible experience for the both of us.
Among the cattails.
We also went for a day trip to the rolling hills of Holland Manitoba, to the Trappist Monastery. We wandered around the grounds, the church, and were able to purchase some of their cheese. It was a great day. (Check out this NFB film about their cheese.)
We are off to another beach day. Thanks for following along some of our summer adventures with us!