Friday, 22 January 2016

January 22, AO year 1, week 11

Wow, week 11, finally!!!

We started with singing our hymn and the Lord's Prayer.

I read chapter 6 from Our Island Story, "The Last of the Romans." She did an ok job narrating it. Not great, but good enough!

I read two fables "The Frogs who Wished for a King" and "The Oak and the Reeds" from Aesop's Fables.  She narrated both very well.

She recited a bunch of her Shakespeare passages. She recited "Bottom's Dream" very, very well.

We learned the first 4 lines of our next passage, from A Midsummer Night's Dream Act I, Scene 1, starting at line 1.  Theseus speaking to Hippolyta. She learned it very quickly!

Here is the entire passage we will be learning:
Now, fair Hippolyta, our nuptial hourDraws on apace.Four happy days bring inAnother moon.But, O, methinks how slowThis old moon wanes! ... 
Four days will quickly steep themselves in night;Four nights will quickly dream away the time;And then the moon, like to a silver bowNew bent in heaven, shall behold the nightOf our solemnities.
We are continuing our poetry from A. A. Milne's When We Were Very Young. Fina memorized "Corner-of-the-Street." We reread "Buckingham Palace," "Happiness" and "Christening." The poems are cute. And Fina was able to recite her new one easily.

We read the Noah story from our Italian bible.

We did 28 A and B from our math, telling time with hours and minutes, and writing them as digital time. She is doing really well. It isn't perfect. But she is getting it! So I am pleased.

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