Thursday, 10 September 2015

First day of homeschooling Part 3 FOREIGN LANGUAGE

Now we did facetime with my parents and my dad read Fina a story she loved from when she was little, in Italian. The gingerbread man, by Richard Scarry. He read it twice. And sang her "Tu vuoi far l'americano" a song she recently discovered. So that was fun!

Here is hi-tech, long-distance learning.

My dad and Fina.


  1. Really Nonno? Couldn't you pick a better song? I can just imagine mom rolling her eyes the whole time. But i'm glad Fina liked it... I guess its as catchy as "Tiny Bubbles" and just as inappropriate!

    P.s its your sister writing this one.

  2. This time it isn't nonno's fault either! I started singing it last month for some reason, then N found it on youtube, thrn nonno knew all the verses himself and sag it to her back then. She sings it herself at times still.

    Spanish is next. And French. And I'm toying with Latin. Maybe I should wait til next year?

  3. Ya figure?!? LOL! Probably in the winter. We'll see.
