Thursday, 5 October 2017

lovely autumn days

We have added in a few free reads to our day. We are reading Bulla's A Lion to Guard Us as our historical fiction and A Cricket in Times Square by George Selden before bed. We are only a few pages in, but Fina is enjoying both of them. We are also reading Aliki's William Penn as our current biography. It is a picture book, but she likes it. My library is low in biographies, so I will have to be on the look out. This is in addition to our after supper Bible readings etc that we do with Fina's homeschooling dad.

For reading, we are slowly working through Clyde Robert Bulla's The Chalk Box Kid as well as reading some poetry.

Our CM math is going well so far. It is is such a different way of approaching math. Fina is really enjoying it. And the treat of writing a sum or two in our math journal is really seen as a treat for her, Compared to the drudgery of doing pages of math before. I hope we continue in this positive experience of math. I'm glad I am trying it out, for sure.

2+2+2+2=8 (or 4 times 2)

We looked at our first painting on Monday, Vermeer's "The Little Street." Our picture study went well. Fina noticed many details, like his autograph on the bottom left, the lady sewing with no face, and the chimneys.

Our singing is going well. On different days we have a solfa lesson, a folk song, a hymn and a foreign language song, as well as a few songs for our physical education. She is participating much more this term in terms of singing along loudly, so that's great.

We are enjoying our poetry time. We are using a compilation, and the poems are cute and sweet. Fina always asks to hear "just one more" poem.

We had a lovely nature walk on Monday afternoon.

Our little maple tree that we planted in the maple forest at the Museum.

at the creek

On Tuesday, we had our outdoor playgroup on Tuesday and it was a lovely, sunny day!
Fina collected sap from various spruce trees

A feast fit for a king. 
She was eating those "spiky plants" pictured in the left milkweed pods. 

On Wednesday, we did our drawing lesson of the same skunk, this time in dry-brush. Fina says that she prefers the look of the chalk, but the technique of brush-drawing.

Here are some pics from our nature rambles this week.

She made a bed with prairie grasses

It's not quite southern Ontario, 
but we do have some lovely colours here in Manitoba as well

Isn't it lovely?