This is how we recite Shakespeare around here.
I asked her to please open up a little hole near her head so I could hear her more clearly.
Fina painted all of the Jesse tree ornaments she had drawn. She did a great job!
For the last bunch of years, we used these free printable ornaments that the children can cut out and colour. They are wonderful! And they do the "O Antiphons" on the last 7 days.
We attended our first outdoor playgroup since we have returned home. Fina just LOVED seeing all her friends and rambling around the forest with them. It was great. Here are some pics. (Check out the beaver's hard work.)
Today, Fina started the morning with doing some Art For Kids Hub How to Draw episodes. She loves to draw. I have sung their praises before. Such fun stuff. Fina also listened to some Zecchino D'Oro songs while she worked.
I printed off a page from the Math-U-See worksheet generator for Fina to review her lesson 9 material (adding plus 9). She thought and acted as though she was frustrated, but she remembered her facts and did the page quickly.
We read the story of the three men in the fiery furnace from Daniel 3. I stopped various times and Fina gave an excellent narration throughout.
We started lesson 10, (adding plus 8) and Fina did 10A.
We pulled out Jacques-Louis David's "Death of Socrates" again, and Fina spent some time drawing from it. This is not what I would call a detailed drawing, but this was her rendition of what is going on.
The guy IS crying, and Socrates does have his finger pointing upwards! Ha!
We continued on with our cursive, learning the upper case letter A.
We sang our advent hymn, "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel."
We reviewed our last few recitations of Shakespeare. And we started our next passage, from Twelfth Night II, iii, 48-53, as spoken by Feste. Fina learned the first line today.
What is love? Tis not hereafter.I also read the parable of the Mustard Seed to her, from Matthew 13. My intention is for Fina to learn to recite it.
Present mirth hath present laughter.
What's to come is still unsure.
In delay there lies no plenty,
Then come kiss me, sweet and twenty.
Youth's a stuff will not endure.
We read the next two poems, "Twice Times" and "The Morning Walk," from Now We Are Six.
I read chapter 9 from The Burgess Bird Book, about the woodcock and the sandpiper. We watched a few videos to see and hear the birds.
Fina read a few pages from Plenty of Fish. Her reading is really coming along nicely.
I read another story from our free read, The Pink Fairy Book.
Fina spent a bunch of hours playing outside with her friend T, and then K joined them after school. The sun goes down early, and they are enjoying playing outside in the low light!